
An Example to Automate Ansys Post-Processing with Python

An Example to Automate Ansys Post-Processing with Python

Integrating PyAnsys with Python expands possibilities for automating simulation tasks and improving post-processing workflows. By configuring your environment correctly, you can optimize the process of running Ansys simulations and extracting valuable insights from the results.


Setting Up PyAnsys

To install PyAnsys libraries, clone the GitHub repository:

git clone cd pymapdl pip install .

Create a new environment using virtualenv or conda:

virtualenv ansys_env source ansys_env/bin/activate

Or for conda:

conda create --name ansys_env python=3.8 conda activate ansys_env

Install PyDPF-Core and PyMAPDL:

pip install pydpf-core pymapdl

Start an instance of Ansys with PyMAPDL:

from ansys.mapdl.core import launch_mapdl mapdl = launch_mapdl() print(mapdl)

For post-processing, import PyDPF:

from ansys.dpf import post

Load results and retrieve stress data:

model = post.load_simulation("path_to_file.rst") stress = model.stresses print(stress)

Automate multiple analyses:

for i in range(1, 10):'/solu') mapdl.input(f"input_file_{i}.dat") mapdl.solve()

Extract displacements:

displacements = model.displacements for disp in displacements: print(disp)

Create plots from data:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt results = model.results() time_steps = results.time_steps values = [result.value for result in results] plt.plot(time_steps, values) plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('Values') plt.title('Simulation Results Over Time')

Executing Ansys Simulations

Define geometry using PyMAPDL:

mapdl.prep7() mapdl.blc4(xcorner=0, ycorner=0, width=10, height=10)

Define materials:'EX', 1, 210e9)'PRXY', 1, 0.3)

Specify boundary conditions and loads:

mapdl.nsel('S', 'LOC', 'X', 0) mapdl.d('ALL', 'UX', 0), 'FY', -1000)

Mesh the model:, 42) mapdl.esize(0.5) mapdl.amesh('ALL')

Solve the model:'/solu') mapdl.antype('STATIC') mapdl.solve() mapdl.finish()

For more complex geometry:

mapdl.blc4(xcorner=0, ycorner=0, width=5, height=5) mapdl.blc4(xcorner=5, ycorner=5, width=10, height=10)


Post-Processing with PyDPF

Import necessary modules:

from ansys.dpf import core as dpf from ansys.dpf.core import operators as ops from ansys.dpf.core import examples

Load results:

model = dpf.Model("path_to_file.rst")

Extract stress results:

stress_operator = ops.result.stress_principal_1() stress_operator.inputs.streams_connect(model) stress_fields = stress_operator.outputs.fields_container()

Visualize stress data:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt stress_values = [ for field in stress_fields] nodes = model.metadata.meshed_region.nodes x_coords = [node.x for node in nodes] y_coords = [node.y for node in nodes] z_coords = [node.z for node in nodes] stress_values_flat = [val for sublist in stress_values for val in sublist] fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') sc = ax.scatter(x_coords, y_coords, z_coords, c=stress_values_flat, cmap='viridis') plt.colorbar(sc)

Compute von Mises stress:

von_mises_operator = ops.result.stress_eqv_von_mises() von_mises_operator.inputs.streams_connect(model) von_mises_fields = von_mises_operator.outputs.fields_container()

Export results to CSV:

import csv with open('stress_results.csv', mode='w', newline='') as file: writer = csv.writer(file) writer.writerow(['Node ID', 'Stress Value']) for node, stress in zip(nodes, stress_values_flat): writer.writerow([, stress])

Integrating Dash for Visualization

Combining Dash with PyAnsys provides an effective method to display Ansys simulation data. Using Dash_VTK, developers can create interactive web applications, offering customized UIs for monitoring and examining simulation results within a standard web browser.

To begin, install the necessary packages:

pip install dash dash-vtk

Import the required libraries in your Python script:

import dash import dash_vtk import dash_core_components as dcc import dash_html_components as html from dash.dependencies import Input, Output from ansys.dpf.core import Model from ansys.dpf.core import examples

Set up your Dash application and define the layout:

app = dash.Dash(__name__) app.layout = html.Div([ dcc.Dropdown( id='result_type', options=[ {'label': 'Displacement', 'value': 'disp'}, {'label': 'Stress', 'value': 'stress'} ], value='disp' ), dcc.Graph( id='output_graph' ), dash_vtk.View( id='vtk_view' ) ])


Create callbacks to handle user interactions and update the visualization:

@app.callback( Output('vtk_view', 'children'), Input('result_type', 'value') ) def update_vtk_view(result_type): model = Model(examples.download_transient_result()) if result_type == 'disp': disp_operator = model.results().displacement() disp_fields = disp_operator.outputs.fields_container() vtk_data = # Conversion to VTK-compatible data # Plot displacement data elif result_type == 'stress': stress_operator = model.results().principal_stress() stress_fields = stress_operator.outputs.fields_container() vtk_data = # Conversion to VTK-compatible data # Plot stress data return dash_vtk.GeometryRepresentation([ dash_vtk.Mesh( # Insert VTK-compatible data here ), dash_vtk.PointData([ dash_vtk.DataArray( registration="vtkPointData", values=vtk_data ) ]) ])

To improve the visualization, convert the DPF fields to VTK-compatible data structures:

def convert_to_vtk(field): from pyvista import lines_from_points import vtk points = [] cells = [] for data in points.append([data[0], data[1], data[2]]) cells.append(len(points)) cells.extend(range(len(points))) vtk_points = vtk.vtkPoints() vtk_points.SetNumberOfPoints(len(points)) for i, pt in enumerate(points): vtk_points.SetPoint(i, pt) vtk_cells = vtk.vtkCellArray() for cell in cells: vtk_cells.InsertNextCell(cell) poly_data = vtk.vtkPolyData() poly_data.SetPoints(vtk_points) poly_data.SetLines(vtk_cells) return poly_data

Incorporate this function into your callback for rendering VTK data:

@app.callback( Output('vtk_view', 'children'), Input('result_type', 'value') ) def update_vtk_view(result_type): model = Model(examples.download_transient_result()) data = None if result_type == 'disp': disp_operator = model.results().displacement() disp_fields = disp_operator.outputs.fields_container() data = convert_to_vtk(disp_fields[0]) elif result_type == 'stress': stress_operator = model.results().principal_stress() stress_fields = stress_operator.outputs.fields_container() data = convert_to_vtk(stress_fields[0]) vtk_data = data return dash_vtk.GeometryRepresentation([ dash_vtk.Mesh( vtkPolyData=vtk_data, ), dash_vtk.PointData([ dash_vtk.DataArray( registration="vtkPointData", values=[d for d in vtk_data] ) ]) ])

Launch the Dash server to view the interactive visualization in your web browser:

if __name__ == '__main__': app.run_server(debug=True)

This integration of Dash with PyAnsys and Dash_VTK creates an interactive platform for visualizing simulation data, enhancing accessibility and enabling efficient data analysis and interpretation from a standard web browser.

An interactive web application displaying Ansys simulation results using Dash and VTK

Using PyAnsys improves the automation and analysis of complex simulations. This approach enhances efficiency and accuracy in modeling tasks, making it a valuable tool for engineers and researchers working with Ansys. Some key benefits include:

  • Streamlined workflow automation
  • Improved data visualization capabilities
  • Enhanced integration with other Python libraries
  • Easier collaboration and sharing of results

By leveraging PyAnsys, engineers can focus more on interpreting results and making design decisions, rather than spending time on manual data processing and visualization tasks. A very interesting article about Ansys Post-Processing with Python can also be found here.